Icon Credits
Full list of credits for the Back to the Future themed icons used on the Forms Live Sign landing page.
Boots is by Xela Ub from the Noun Project.
(CC BY 3.0).
Car is by Xela Ub from the Noun Project.
(CC BY 3.0).
Clock is by Xela Ub from the Noun Project.
(CC BY 3.0).
Doc is by Xela Ub from the Noun Project.
(CC BY 3.0).
Guitar is by Xela Ub from the Noun Project.
(CC BY 3.0).
Hat is by Xela Ub from the Noun Project.
(CC BY 3.0).
Shirt is by Xela Ub from the Noun Project.
(CC BY 3.0).
Vest is by Xela Ub from the Noun Project.
(CC BY 3.0).