4 Tips for Property Managers who want to go the extra mile for their clients
Delivering an amazing moving experience for new tenants and building your reputation as a great agency has been made super simple with the new integrations and tools inside Forms Live.
Delivering an amazing moving experience for new tenants and building your reputation as a great agency has been made super simple with the new integrations and tools inside Forms Live.
Moving into a house has always been an exhausting experience, as a property manager you can help your tenants avoid being overwhelmed and keep organised all while providing them with choice, by making their utility connections something that can be sorted in just a few clicks.
Here’s how...
1. Connect with a utility provider within Forms Live:
Forms Live has a range of utility providers available who can help your tenants find services, be it moving, electricity, gas, water, internet, or subscription services. Connect to your preferred provider within Forms Live and each time you send out a Residential Rental Agreement for signing the system will also send the tenant an offer of utilities from the connected provider. Tenants are free to accept or decline the offer as they see fit.
2. Save time by collecting signatures with DocuSign:
If you send Residential Rental Agreements as PDFs, your tenants have to find a printer, print out the agreement, sign it, photocopy it, and return the agreement to you as an email attachment for you to store. But by sending the agreement with DocuSign you can create an easier way for tenants to sign immediately, be it from their phone or computer. You can have the whole signature process sorted within just a few minutes - use of DocuSign is even free-to-use with Forms Live.
3. Make your life easier as well, by using electronic signing:
Save yourself a significant amount of time and make your life easier with electronic signatures. With electronic signing, no more time needs to be spent waiting for documents to be returned, plus, they can be edited and resent which can be a huge help - as we all make mistakes sometimes. Anything that is ‘DocuSigned’ is also automatically saved to your client record, so you don’t need to worry about filing or searching for paperwork in the future.
4. Steer clear of bad tenants with Commercial and Residential Reports:
Gain valuable insights by using Commercial and Residential Reports inside Forms Live and make the job of having your landlord’s back even easier...while watching your own as well. Forms Live’s reports are powered by Equifax and provide both commercial and residential tenancy reports. You can look out for clients with just a name, a few contact details, and the click of a button, the reports can deliver detailed background checks on tenants. Residential Reports use the National Tenancy Database, ensuring property managers can be certain that tenants are trustworthy, safe, and the right choice for the property. The Commercial Reports available on Forms Live include Equifax’s Commercial Apply, Company / Business Scored Enquiry, as well as Company / Business In-Depth Trading History Reports. The Residential Report available is the NTD Tenant Check.
With it now so easy to deliver great service to tenants, why wouldn’t you try going the extra mile for your clients?