Have questions? We’re here to help!

If you have a query that isn't addressed below, please reach out to us.

Why is REI Forms Live now called Forms Live?

The contract between REISA and Dynamic Methods to provide a forms and contract solution to South Australian agencies was terminated by REISA. The contract was made up of two key components - the forms that were owned by REISA and the platform that automated and integrated forms with CRMS and other technology providers owned by Dynamic Methods. To ensure continuity of service for South Australian real estate agents, Forms Live has been created by Dynamic Methods with a new set of streamlined, fully compliant forms and contracts within it created by Lynch Meyers Lawyers right here in South Australia. Like us. Like you.

Who owns Forms Live?

Forms Live is Dynamic Methods Pty Ltd, 100% independent and proudly South Australian owned.

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What does this mean for my agency?

This means your agency must decide whether it wishes to move to remain with REISA or use the new Forms Live platform and contracts.

What if I want a refund?

You may be eligible for a refund for your subscription from REISA. Regardless, Dynamic Methods will still honour all existing subscriptions that agencies hold with REISA until their natural expiry, even if a refund is issued. If you have any questions or need assistance with a refund, please contact REISA directly.

What is the REISA solution?

This information has not been shared with us. Please direct any queries to REISA.

How much is this going to cost me?

Nothing additional. Dynamic Methods is honouring all existing subscriptions that agencies hold with REISA until their natural expiry. At that point, you will be asked to sign up to a new contract.

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What happens to my subscription that was set up with an auto-renew option?

All auto-renew functions have been disabled. Your subscription will not automatically renew. If you wish to set up auto-renewal again, you can do so by visiting the "Account Details" section of your account and enabling the auto-renew option. This ensures that you maintain full control over your subscription preferences.

How do I access my old account?

 You can log in to your old account to view past and in-progress forms and contracts created under the REI Forms Live branding. To create new forms and contracts, simply accept the new terms when prompted. Once accepted, you’ll seamlessly continue working in the updated Forms Live platform, which includes refreshed branding and enhanced features. No separate login is required.

How is Forms Live different to REI Forms Live?

Forms Live forms and contracts have been drafted by Lynch Meyers Lawyers and may look slightly different to those you’ve used previously. They do however work in the same way that the old templates worked and are integrated with your CRM and our automations including document signing. The key difference is that clients retain access to their own data with Forms Live.

When did REISA end REI Forms Live?

REISA provided 12 months notice of its intention to terminate its contract with Dynamic Methods on October 16, 2023 and announced it publicly. The deadline was extended until December 4.

Do I need to be a REISA member to use Forms Live?

No, you do not need to be a REISA member to use Forms Live. The platform is available to all Real Estate Agents, regardless of their membership status with REISA.

What forms are available in Forms Live?

Forms Live currently has an extensive set of residential sales and property management forms ready for use with more to be released regularly over coming months. A series of commercial and business sales forms is also being worked on.

Who owns my data with Forms Live?

Under the new terms of use, all users retain access to their data within Forms Live. Aggregated and depersonalised big data analysis may be used by Forms Live for future analytics and product development.

Is there a cooling off period with Forms Live?

Forms Live is honouring all subscriptions signed and paid to REISA for access to our platform. There is no penalty if you decide to change providers and move away from the platform during that period.

If I decide to leave Forms Live, how do I access past contracts created in the new system?

Your login will continue to work with Forms Live even if you decide you do not wish to continue with us as your ongoing forms provider. This means you can log in at any time and access past forms and contracts.